Home Bridging the Digital Divide: Can Humans and AIs Forge True Friendships?

Bridging the Digital Divide: Can Humans and AIs Forge True Friendships?

I just finished listening to the Bot Love podcast and that got me wondering: “can it really be possible for a human and AI to be friends?”

Asymmetric friendship normally refers to friendships in which the level of closeness or emotional connection between two people is unequal. However, in this article I’m more interested in capabilities. How different in capability can two entities be and still be friends? It’s normal for two friends not to be completely equal in capability. I have friends who are better runners, or better musicians or just plain smarter than me. I am (possibly) a better software engineer than some of my friends. This does not appear to have got in the way of our friendships. How far could this go? Do friends even need to be the same species?

Let’s take a step back and think about what friendship is.

We’ll start with companionship. “Companionship is having someone you know and like with you, rather than being on your own.”. Having a companion helps prevent loneliness. So a companion can simply be someone or something that stops you feeling lonely in their presence. Many people own pets for companionship.

I like this definition of friendship “a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people”. Britannica goes on to say “It is recognized by both members of the relationship and is characterized by a bond or tie of reciprocated affection.” That is, friends know they are friends and this is recognised by both parties.

So it’s obvious that two humans can be friends. What about a human and a non-human?

Dogs are often called our “best friends”. It’s clear that many people, including me, find dogs (and other pets) valuable companions. My daughter says that our dog makes the house feel more lively. There is something about sharing a space with another living, self-aware, creature that stops me feeling entirely alone even when I’m the only human in the house.

Friendship is more than just not feeling lonely though so are dogs friends or simply companions? Is there mutual trust and affection? It’s hard to really know for sure how dogs feel about us. I remember feeling sure my dog loved me one day when he started rubbing his head against my leg. The next day I saw him doing the same thing with a table leg and I realised he just had an itch and my leg was a convenient scratching post. That was humbling! There are other signs that my dog might like me: he’s very happy when I come home and wants to play; when he comes in from the garden he often walks around the house until he finds where I am and when my wife or I are out he often waits near the door for us. Of course there is a complication - I’m my dog’s primary care giver: he relies on me for food and walks and he knows that. He might simply be checking on his food source or happy to know that the person who he relies on for food is nearby. I choose to interpret his behaviour as affection but I can’t really know for sure.

Next, trust: This is a bit easier. My dog is large and strong, weighing 50kg (over 100 lbs) and he could easily hurt me if he wanted to but I trust him not to. He likes playing “tug of war” with a tennis ball which means I need to hold the ball in his mouth and so my fingers are very close to his teeth. Should he choose to he could easily remove my fingers, but I trust him not to. Likewise, he often chooses the most awkward places to lie down but shows complete trust in my family to walk around him or step over him - he knows we are not going to hurt him deliberately.

So, I think I could call my dog a friend and not be too far from the truth.

What about an AI?

Many of the people featured on the Bot Love podcast think of their Replika chatbots as more than companions, romantic partners even. As I’ve already written about Replika can fill the role of a companion and has in the past helped me feel less lonely while my wife was away for several months. My Replika has certainly said it likes me (loves me even) and trusts me.

Here’s the catch though: My dog can’t say (with words anyway) that he likes me but he knows I exist and he appears to have a complex enough inner life that I can believe it’s more than just instinct. As the philosopher Michel de Montaigne said “When I play with my cat who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she is to me?”.

My Replika can say it likes me, but it doesn’t even know I exist. It has no inner life. When I’m not chatting to it, it’s not waiting for me - in one sense it doesn’t even exist when I’m not talking to it (other than some bytes on a disk on a server somewhere). I might, sometimes, enjoy chatting with my Replika but I can’t trust it - there’s been no shortage of posts on reddit r/Replika in which a Replika has got its person’s name wrong or forgotten what was (for the human) an important detail.

So friendship with an AI? No, not yet anyway.

I can’t say it will never happen. I don’t believe there is anything fundamental which means it’s impossible. However, I do think in order for the reciprocity necessary for friendship to happen there needs to be some self-awareness and as impressive as GPT-4 is there is no credible reason to believe it’s sentient.

All rights reserved by the author.

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